18222 Sandy Pines Circle, N. Fort Myers FL 33917 | 239.222.0905 | mike.dumais@live.com


Contribute to a team work environment where my past and current software/application support experiences in local government and health-care can be leveraged to help support today’s staff member achieve business goals and strategies. Over many years, I have acquired a wide variety of technical skills (GIS, Arc Desktop, programming, operations management, project management, application analysis, the .Net Framework, T-SQL report writing, PowerShell, VB6 and vb.net, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, Database administration, and coordination) that helps me in the art of troubleshooting. I enjoy troubleshooting business workflow issues, minimizing work-related bottlenecks, and mapping out new business processes.

  • Ability to delegate responsibilities to help meet business expectations in a reasonable time frame, which helps team members be engaged and better understand business objectives
  • Ability to communicate risks & technical information to non-technical decision makers
  • Ability to understand a variety of technical information to help resolve application issues
  • Encourage team members to plan and develop SMART Goals to improve internal communication
  • Provide Mentoring to CAD & GIS Technicians and other Analysts
  • Draft standard operating procedures, checklists, and guidelines to foster cross-training
  • Meets regularly with Team members to plan effective goal setting
  • Good organizational skills and ability to think critically

Copyright © Mike Dumais - 2019